Sunday, November 28, 2010


Street in Cusco

Phew. Getting things stolen is as much hard work as it is guttering. Figuring out where the tourist police station is, getting there, trying to explain the situation (google translator), finding out you can’t get a report until you pay S./3.60 at the bank (over the other side of town), which can’t be done until 3 days later when the bank is open (and ironiquly when I won’t be in cusco). PHEW.

I guess its obvious now, but I was robbed. Pick pocketed of my cool NZ wallet, cards and Camera. Pretty amazing how good they are at stealing. Un-did my bag and everything without me feeling a thing.

It was an interesting day though, lost washing  (trying to explain what Dave and I had lost to the laundry lady with Dave’s limited Spanish was good fun) and fell over (with my pack on, day bag on front and holding two plastic bags and my glasses). Of course there were a lot of cool things too. We had another awesome lunch at the vego place down the road and booked our trip to Macchu Picchu. Dave left today for an alternative journey and Spike and myself leave tomorrow for a day mountain biking followed by three days trekking.
The weather is insane. Today I have worn both; a t-shirt and sunnies, and a jacket to combat hail and flooded streets. I thought it was temperamental at home!

The hail at the hostel
I’m still battling a bit of an all over the place stomach and Spike has a cold which set him back yesterday.  After some explaination at the pharmacy (on a side note, we can’t seem to find tape to tape our feet for tramping here) we stocked up on some cold drugs for the tramp ahead.

We have moved rooms or hostels for the last 5 or 6 nights. Getting exhausting. Especially when we arrived here yesterday to a group of super annoying Americans. I think it was about 15 or so of them. They even managed to ruin breakfast this morning with their annoyingness. Luckily they left today.

There was some sort of street parade going on in the centre of town today. Not sure what it was. But the army dudes have big guns. I have taken a few photos of them along the way, so will try and put some up at some point. if not they will be on facebook.

Been cranking the cocoa tea, its is rather tasty and recommended to anyone who ever gets a go to try it. Especially if you have lemon and a little but of sugar. It is rumored to help altitude sickness, but who really knows. Pretty boring entry. Tiredness does that to me I guess.

Time to go and pack for Machu...

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